Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Steps to Creating Innovative Products

In a business, creating a product entails much innovation and creativity. It requires that in order for the product to succeed in the market, a thorough analysis and study about the product that you would want to create should be employed. This means that when you want to create a product, you do not immediately proceed to creating it without perfectly knowing what the product is all about. Below are some tips that one can use in order to come up with a product that simply sells in the market:

o Know what your market demands. This is done by making an extensive research about what the current market demands to see. Usually, you will have information about this by looking at the sites on the net as to which gathers the number of traffic and conversion.

o Determine the current market for that product. It is essential that you know how the product that you plan to develop has faired in the local and international market. By knowing this, you will at least have a glimpse of what is the trend in buying for that specific product.

o Test the product. The product is an object that needs to be tested to ensure that it passes the standard. Significantly, testing your product with some other products can spell out the difference between or among the products.

o Create the product and then gather feedback. It is important that you are able to initially get feedback from people. In this way, you will be able to determine the loopholes or flaws of your product and able to refine and modify these flaws prior the grand launching of the product.

4 Keys to Advance in Product Creation

Profitable product creation is not as complicated as it sounds. True, you have to go through many stages, but if you break it down into four basic categories, it may make it easier and save you some time. Here are the 4 keys to advance in profitable product creation.

Key 1: Deciding on a Product

You should turn to others for this, and listen to their complaints about products that currently exist or ones they wish did exist and don't. Profitable product creation depends on filling a gap or need, and choosing from things that have already been done well is a recipe for disaster.

Key 2: Development

Once you have an idea, you will have to build a prototype. This should be a fully functioning model of the final product (unless it's a web product or tool that will have many more expensive and difficult abilities added later). You should try it out and perfect it as much as possible.

Key 3: Testing

Here you are going to have others use it and give you feedback. You can either turn to your friends and relatives, or a research firm that does focus group testing for new products. Focus groups are expensive, but you won't have Grandma telling your she loves the product even if she hates it.

Key 4: Be Ready to Revise

Profitable product creation depends largely on perfections and revisions. Your product won't be right the first time, and you will probably go through this step several times before sending the final plans to the manufacturer.

Monday, November 26, 2012

How to Outline an eBook

If you can learn how to outline an eBook, then the writing will be easy. Why? Because you'll know before you even get started where your ideas will be going. You'll simply be able to string your sentences together, and before you know it, you'll be done. Ready?

What is an outline? It is nothing more than a sketch or a framework on which you can hang your ideas.

You've decided to write an eBook. You know what your primary message is. Now you need to break it up into digestible parts. Within each of those parts, what we call chapters, will be another main idea that is made up of a lot of smaller ideas. All you need to do is to put those smaller ideas into a logical order for each chapter.

Let me try to give you a mental picture of what this will look like. Imagine that you're looking at the final outcome of a tennis tournament. The winner's name is on the far right of the screen.

Just to the left of that is the name of the two finalists. To the left of them is two pairs of semifinalists; and to the left of them is four pairs of quarter-finalists. And so it goes on until all of the entrants have been accounted for.

When we apply this example to outlining an eBook, then what we get is several small ideas that contribute to a larger one, and several larger ideas that eventually contribute to the main one that you want your readers to grasp.

You could do the same thing by creating a kind of hierarchy on paper, much the way that a genealogical chart is constructed. Put the main topic at the top. Then list the chapter headings underneath, and then under each of those list the smaller sub-topics that you want to cover.

Some people can write an eBook with the barest of outlines. Others need to have more detail. You can continue to add as many sub-topics as you think you need so that you don't leave out anything that you think is important.

You'll get a feel for how much you need to put into your outline before you start to do any of the actual writing.

Remember, the goal is not to create an eBook with the least number of subtopics. Instead, it is to create an outline that will enable you to write your eBook as quickly as possible.

How Gamification Can Turn Businesses Into Winners   Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products   5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Repurposing: How to Adapt Your Product for Your Customers

Repurposing is commonly practiced among those who have online businesses. If you're unfamiliar with the term, it simply means that you are repeatedly adapting some of your material for different audiences. Those who prefer to read get PDFs. Those who like to listen to the dulcet tones of trainer's voice receive audio. It's really as simply as that.

But, repurposing can seem like "cheating" to those who are new to the online business world; and so the reason I've written this article is to help you to understand the concept better.

The word repurposing is perhaps a bad choice. It can conjure up visions of spin, spam, or sophistry. However, if it's done properly, then it can be a valuable way for an online business person to create a lot of great material for customers. On the other hand, if it's done in order to make a little knowledge go a long way, it will only give the product creator a bad reputation in the long run.

So, how does this concept work.

I mentioned in the beginning of this article that some people prefer reading or listening. But, adapting your material for different audiences goes much farther than that. It does more than address different learning styles. It also enables you to present your expertise in chunks that you're audience can understand easily.

Let's look at a specific example so that you can see what I mean.

Suppose that you want to create a one hour training for your customers. As soon as I mentioned the length of time, you should have tweaked that this would be either audio or video. (Personally, I'm in favor of audio in most instances. It seems to me that video ought to be used when the information that's presented in the audio would be better understood with it.)

What does this mean for those who prefer to read? For that you need to calculate about how fast you talk. Probably the easiest way to do this is to grab your favorite book off the shelf, count the number of words on one page and mark out about five pages. Then switch on the stop watch on your smart phone and start reading.

If you have a lot to offer customers, and you should, then you can break up your training into segments. Begin with an overview, then add the parts in some kind of progression so that your customer has a more complete understanding of what you're teaching by the end.

You could have beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Repurposing is about giving your customers as much as they need in a form that is the easiest for them to use.

How Gamification Can Turn Businesses Into Winners   Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products   5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Android As an Ideal Platform for Application Development Solutions

It's an age of mobile gadgets where people are readily accepting all types of smartphones and tablets. To provide a robust mobile operating system to such mobile devices, Android has been launched by Google with a view to provide the best user experience.

Many businesses have been using this platform to develop a variety of business applications and mobile game applications for smartphones and tablets. Let's consider few points that make Android as an ideal platform for application development solutions:

1. High ROI in Limited Budget: With huge number of Android app development companies available, there is no problem in hiring Android app developers who are capable to develop robust and intuitive applications for the end-users. They develop and test all the apps to ensure its functionality on the Android platform. This helps businesses to earn higher ROI by making one time investment.

2. Using Java as the Basic Language: Java is considered as the most trusted and robust language. It is the basic language on which most of the Android apps are written. All the Android application developers are adept in using Java to develop effective applications.

3. Easy to Stay Up-to-Date: As Android is an open source platform; it is easy to start using it for development purposes. Moreover, all the updates are available for everyone so it's not difficult for an Android app developer to keep their knowledge up-to-date.

4. Integration is Easy: Android is a suitable platform for those who want to integrate applications or cross promotes them for different purposes.

5. Easy Distribution: The Android applications can easily be distributed to different marketing channels so as to promote them globally. You can choose Google Play store or create your own distribution channels to sell them in huge numbers.

With so much of benefits of using this mobile operating system, businesses won't mind in making investment on this platform. Moreover, the best part is that there are adequate numbers of Android apps developers who are willing to work on your idea to make it unique and robust in nature.

The applications based on Android can be any business application or any game application that can make your work systematic and easier. So, there's only need to identify your customers' requirements so that the developed application can be very well accepted by large number of people. Start your market research today, identify the needs, hire a developer and become successful in your mobile initiatives.

How Gamification Can Turn Businesses Into Winners   Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products   5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Quit Searching "What Product To Sell Online"

If you live in a house or an apartment in the United States you probably have a bathroom. In that bathroom there's usually a sink with a mirror above it. We normally use that mirror to groom ourselves to make sure we look presentable before we head out for the day.

I want you to do something a little different with that mirror today though. Look in the mirror and ask the guy or girl looking back at you a question. Ask your handsome reflection what he or she would like to buy when searching on the Internet.

Some would say you are crazy talking to yourself, yes to be an online marketer you must be a little crazy, but that's exactly what successful marketers do when researching a product to sell. I know you'll hear those who tell you that "You Are Not Your Customer". Yes that's true, but you are a human being and you have wants, needs and desires just like everyone else. What you are searching for is what millions of others are searching for. The real question is how can your product be seen as different?

How many weight loss programs, get rich quick schemes, and self-styled gurus have you seen on the Internet? There are millions of people out there copying each other hoping to tap into the 100's of millions of people searching on the Internet hoping to get rich. Kind of deflates your balloon doesn't it?

The problem is that most of the stuff on the Internet is not original. I know, hard to believe. People are lazy. They want to plug their debit card into their laptop upload some money to the online marketing guru du jour and sit back and watch the cash roll in.

Who wants to put in the hard work of actually creating a product that others are looking for? It's a lot of work creating a product, let alone one that will actually sell. You've got to decide where a need is, figure out if the need can be filled with an info product, create your product with your own unique experiences, find people who want your product, put it in front of their faces in an appealing way, and deliver when they hit the "Buy Now" button.

It's so much easier to buy a "business in a box". Allowing someone else to do all the work for you is one way to go but what have you learned? Did you learn how to attract attention? Did you learn how to research what sells? Did you learn how to create something desirable? No. You learned how to pull your wallet out of your back pocket, that's good because if you go the "business in a box" route you'll be doing that a lot.

What product would you want to buy? If you can answer that you will be on your way to creating your information product. The next question you need to ask is. How can I make my product not only different but be perceived as different in the eyes of potential customers?

How Gamification Can Turn Businesses Into Winners   Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products   5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

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